AP US History in 1 Minute Daily: 21st Century Migration & Demographic Shifts (Day 304/309)
May 05, 2024
Hey APUSHers, let’s chat about Migration and Demographic Shifts as part of my series- APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
Immigration to the U.S. over Time by Region, Wikimedia Commons
In the 21st century, there were significant migration and demographic shifts in the U.S. driven by various factors including globalization, economic opportunities, and political upheavals.
“Give me your English Speaking, Legal Immigrants,” Etta Hulme
These demographic changes led to debates over immigration policies, border security, and the integration of immigrants into American society.
The Sunbelt, Britannica
Latin American, Asian, and African immigrants account for a substantial portion of the immigrant population, reshaping the demographic landscape of many areas such as California, Texas, and Florida.
Image by apushladyboss, Maps by 270 to win
Internal migration patterns continued the shift from rural to urban areas and expansion into the Sunbelt for economic opportunities, the climate, and lifestyle preferences. As a result, political power in this region has expanded.
Debates over American identity, diversity, and national security have increased with changing patterns of migration and demographic shifts in the 21st century.
Join me tomorrow as I explain Bush 43 & the Election of 2000 in the next APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
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